
Crater Lake National Park



I have had two seasonal jobs, and they have changed my life a lot! I want to share my experiences with everyone and explain how seasonal jobs impacted my life path afterwords. While I was a university student, I discovered that Taiwan has a student work and travel program with the USA. We can apply for an International Student VISA to go to the USA for a working holiday up to 4 months. The goal is to help us improve our English, have a cultural experience, and  allow us to see the United States through traveling the country after our seasonal commitment ends.

In 2010, my friend Kuan-Ling and I applied and joined the J-1 visa program. We chose Grand Teton National Park as our working destination. When I landed at the Jackson Hole Airport, the natural scenery amazed me. I worked as a busser in a restaurant at one of the National Park’s concessionaire operations. My managers and my co-workers were the most friendly people I had ever met in my life. At that time, I learned many things that my school had never taught me before, such as how to respect the natural environment, what a gap year is, not to waste natural resources, and so on. I remember that I cried a lot when I finished my seasonal job. I knew that I would take the seasonal job again because it gave me the dream to be a person who wants to protect the natural environment and really enjoy it.

 In 2014, I had the opportunity to take another seasonal job in the Canadian Rockies. Although people always came and went, I still enjoyed working with energetic people in nature.

I think that the seasonal job is a good way to escape your routine life, and it may lead your life path afterwords. Right now, I am studying English and planning to go to college in Canada because I want to study Renewable Energy to start my first step in my career. I would love to have another unforgettable seasonal job experience in my future. Seasonal Jobs have been the best thing in my life.