
Oxbow Bend, Snake River

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Making the Most of the Tool that is CoolWorks

Matt Moore

We’ve put a lot of time and thought into the features of our site with the intention of making your job search as easy as possible because we want you to focus on what’s important: discovering your next adventure!

We’ve created some tools to help you get the most out of your job search.

Create a User Account

Before you get cold feet about sharing your e-mail address with us, fear not. Our privacy policy and general human decency prohibit us from sharing your information with anyone. Ever.

So why would you want to create a User Account? Well, before we go any further, we want to let you know that you absolutely don’t have to. You can continue using the site as you always have without ever having to sign in. BUT, we’ve created some awesome new features to go along with your User Account that are going to make your job search even easier.

Saved Searches & E-mail Alerts

There’s a lot of different ways to discover that next dream job on CoolWorks. But maybe you don’t particularly have the time to keep checking the site every day for that perfect winter cook job at a ski resort in Colorado to open up.

Now you can Save a Search based on any combination of criteria. You can either come back to the site and run your saved search at the click of a button to see all the new results, or turn on e-mail alerts, and we’ll shoot you an email when new listings are posted on the site that match your search criteria. Want to turn off the alerts? No problem. You can toggle alerts on and off for any of your saved searches at any time from your dashboard.


We also recommend using the faceted search options to narrow, widen and fine-tune your search results.

Save for Later

Found a job you’d like to apply for, but you’re not in the zone to fill out that application right now? Just look for the orange “Save for Later” button on the right, and it’ll be in your dashboard waiting for you when you’re ready.

Mark as Favorite

You’ve stumbled upon the holy grail of companies. You’re checking out their profile. Location? Top of your list of Must-See Places. Culture? Vibrant, energetic, looks like a blast. Housing? Accommodates your needs perfectly. Job openings? Not currently hiring. **Sad trombone** Why is life so cruel??

They may not be currently hiring when you happen to discover them. But cheer up, future adventurer, and remember these are seasonal jobs and they’ll come round again! Just click the orange “Favorite” button on the left-hand side. They’ll be added as a Favorite Employer in your dashboard so you’ll be able to check back in later when they’re ready to accept your meticulously crafted, beautifully stunning application. Yippee!

Job Seeker Resources & Journal

We know it can be a big leap to pack up your life and head across the country to spend a season (or perhaps the rest of your life, as we’ve often found to be the case) in a place you’ve never laid eyes on. Check out more of our Job Seeker Resources for tons of helpful tips and pointers. The CoolWorks team and our friends write these articles to answer your questions and give you the confidence to take that next step.


Make sure you also check out the Journal, a collection of tales told by others who have ventured out to explore Great Places. The Journal was dreamed up with the belief that hearing other people’s stories can give us the courage to go out, live our own and then write about it! Take a look! If you’ve got an idea for a topic that would make a great resource, or you’d like to share your own story with the community, send us a note to [email protected].

Thanks for taking the time to explore around! Let us know if you have any questions, please take a few minutes to give us your feedback, and we wish you the best on your continued adventures!