Tag: seasonal jobs

South Lake Tahoe, California

The Compass Blog is your guide to navigating the world of Jobs in Great Places®! We cover a wide range of topics relating to seasonal and outdoor jobs, including tips and how-tos, travel ideas, personal finance advice, fun stories of history and personal experiences, and much more!

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The Variety of Winter Seasonal Jobs

It’s that time of year when employers for winter seasonal jobs are in full recruiting mode. In pondering a winter job and where you might like to be, here’s a rundown of possibilities to consider.

What is a Seasonal Job?

When we talk about seasonal jobs, we mean opportunities that allow you to travel, to live and work in places where others go on vacation, jobs that give you the opportunity to live in beautiful places that you can explore during your time off.

Introducing The CoolWorks Help Center

The Help Center is a library of articles, videos, and visual aids to answer any and all questions you might have about how to use our site and to get the most out of your job search or recruiting efforts.