Colvig Silver Camps

The Best Nanny Gig Out There! Join us in Southwest Colorado as a Camp Nanny

The Majestic San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado

  • summer
Durango, Colorado
$4,000.00 - $4,500.00 / season
Some experience required
Start Date:
Starts soon! (May 20, 2024)

We are hiring for summer camp nannies for the summer of 2024! This season we are looking to hire two to three Nannies to watch a small group of camp staff's children unable to attend the programs ages 2 to 10. Early childhood and babysitting experience is preferred.

Minimum Age: 18 years of age

Terms of Employment: Nannies are hired for 11 weeks, unless contracted otherwise

Compensation: $4,000-, plus lodging, meals, travel reimbursement, and end-of-summer bonus ($500)

Time Off: One full day off about once per week, plus two days between sessions

Number Hired: 1-3

Responsibilities: The Nanny’s primary responsibility is the supervision and caretaking of year-round and seasonal staff’s children not yet of age to attend camp. This likely includes children ages 1 to 7, and maybe older children in individual cases. The Nanny will be responsible for the supervision and caretaking of these children from the time they wake up to bedtime while their parent(s) are on-duty at camp. The Nanny will have downtime during the children’s naptime in the afternoon. This schedule will vary per child and their specific needs and parental expectations (these expectations and variances will be shared during staff training/orientation). The Nanny will be off-duty once the children are put to bed for the evening and have adequate supervision nearby.

The Nanny will be responsible for feeding the children, keeping them safe, entertained, and occupied throughout the day. The Nanny will be permitted to travel with the kids around camp and participate in activities alongside camp programming as long as they are not interfering with or distracting from camp programming and outcome goals. There are many places around camp that the children will find entertaining (i.e., animals, horses, art barn, lodge basement, playfields, etc.). In rare and special instances, the Nanny may be permitted to drive the children to the city of Durango to participate in activities there (i.e., rec center, children’s museum, playgrounds, etc.).

Nanny candidates must be comfortable with the caretaking of very young children and toddlers. They must be able to calm and care for a crying child, change a diaper, engage with and interact with young children in fun and positive ways, engage in the proper and appropriate discipline, and ensure the child’s daily needs are taken care of (i.e., eating, sleeping, and playing).

The Nanny will also be a member of Support staff, and outside of their Nanny responsibilities and hours will be able to participate in camp activities and programming. They will also have secondary responsibilities like helping supervise movie nights, supervising campers during staff meetings, and maybe dropping trips and picking up trips.

How to Apply

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