Bearskin Lodge
Profile Jobs

Current Job dates:

Currently recruiting for jobs that start between June 1st, 2024 and October 31st, 2024.

  • Housekeeping, all-purpose "do a little of everything" person, Seasonal only

    Grand Marais, Gunflint Trail
    $15.00 - $17.00 / hour + tips

    An "all-purpose, useful human who loves to clean” employee, who would do a little of everything. This person needs to be comfortable with working both outdoors and indoors; strong enough to carry bags of supplies and to perform in a very physical, active job; be flexible about doing a variety of tasks, and have good communications skills for greeting guests as a closer on the 4-6 PM shift at least 2 nights a week. 

    Schedule:  Start immediately, work either into August or into Fallt.  Could be part-time if needed: this job *could* be part-time for an employee who has other things (school, a remote side-job) going on. Excellent student job.

    Skills needed:  Attention to detail, a good work ethic, a friendly nature, and a willingness to tackle every job, outdoors or indoors. Good communication skills essential, good personal presentation necessary as this is sometimes a public-facing job.

    Housing:  Cute little main floor, lakeside apartment, with access to canoes and outdoor gear to enjoy the wilderness. Walk out your door and a few feet to the lake. Wages negotiable, depending on experience.

    Permanent or seasonal?This employee could eventually join our permanent staff, if you are a successful fit for working here, but to start with this is not a permanent position. 

    This job is not open to international employees. We do not have the permits needed to hire international works.  Please do not email to ask--thanks!

    Much more information about this job on our employee web page. Go there to read the details and apply.

How to Apply

Follow the Apply Now link below to read more about our available jobs.

The application is linked to the employment page. We appreciate a completed application, as well as a cover letter explaining why you are the perfect candidate for the job.

Contact Bearskin Lodge