
Oxbow Bend, Snake River

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Several job ads to post? Here’s what we recommend

Kathi Noaker

Do you have a few or more Highlighted Job/Help Wanted ads you need to post? If so, consider using the handy Scheduler to space them out over time.

First off, know that our site is date driven with the most recent content appearing at the top of all of our jobs by Category, State, National Park, and Season pages (except for search results, which are sorted by keyword relevance). This means that if you post a few or several ads all at once, they will display altogether, one after the other. You can give each of your ads – as well as your company – a better “moment in the spotlight” by staggering the start date of each ad.

Here’s how to use the scheduler: When you fill out your job ad form, at the bottom you’ll select the Save and Preview button. At that point, you’ll be given a date picker field to select the date you want it to start. It’s that simple. Staggering the start dates of your postings will give you prolonged exposure on the What’s New page, and more diverse ‘real estate’ on the site. So give the scheduler a try the next time you have multiple ads to post. Knock out all of the administrative work at once while at the same time gaining better results by spreading your postings out over time.

Don’t forget about your Basic Profile! As a reminder, every time you have an active listing on CoolWorks, your Basic Profile accompanies your postings and is visible to job seekers.

The basic profile consists of some general information about your company, your company logo, and photos and videos which display with your posting and provide it immense power to initially attract job seekers. Job seekers pay attention to these details. Without your basic profile being set up, your postings can look incomplete, and unpolished. Taking the time to complete it will be of benefit to you and to the job seeker. The more info you provide, the more of an on-target response you’ll receive. All your job ads display on your basic profile as well.

Head to your basic profile to make sure it’s all filled out and complete by selecting the profile button from your main employer dashboard, and then the basic profile button beneath it.